Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
First Christmas
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Two month baby visit
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
One month old
How about a paci in the meantime? You are the first of my babies to take a pacifier. It is helpful until you spit it out or it falls out and I have to replace it, over and over and over again ;-) It does seem to help you calm down.
You are a chilly baby. You like to be wrapped up in a blanket at all times and get cold easily. When I change your diaper, your little bottom jaw chatters. I keep the house at 75 and you are still cold. Unfortunately, it's Fall now and soon it will be cold.
Nighttime- last night you were doing many cluster feedings and still acting hungry. I gave you 2 oz of formula and then you still acted uncomfortable with your belly. We do lots of burping and use Mylicon. I nursed you yet again and you fell asleep and slept for 4.5 hours. When you got up, it was 5 and we nursed again and you went back to sleep. You usually sleep in the co-sleeper and at times sleep next to me in bed, snuggled right against me. You seem to really like that. It's hard for me though b/c I like to toss and turn so I have to stay in one position for you to sleep next to me. Then I end up with aches and pains and a stiff shoulder. It's so snuggly though, and you are toasty warm with me, how you like to be.
You also like to sleep on our chests, on your belly, and covered up. I tried you in the sling a few times and you like that as well. I have a Maya wrap I use with you.
Activity - you swing your arms when it seems you want to touch something. I have been hit in the nose many times ;-) You haven't really coo'd or ahh'd yet. You're mostly quiet unless your tummy bothers you. You seem to be easy going and content. Since you were born you've had a strong neck and upper body. The first time I tried to burp you, you threw yourself backwards in my arms, so I can't do anything one handed when you are up on my shoulder ;-) You like to push up with your arms and did a full push up on me the other day. You really want to look around when you are on my shoulder. Sometimes you fold your hands under your chin so that your head is more upright. You can also hold your pacifier with your hand. One day you didn't let go and the pacifier went flying across the room, lol.
You've only been here for a month and I can't imagine life without you.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
First Bath
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Zachary is here!
We called the doctor about 8:30 A.M. and he said to come in. He told me not to wait when I was in labor b/c I was already effaced and once dilation happened, the baby would come quickly. I still didn't want to leave too early though so I finished up the laundry and then we left. Walking through the contractions seemed to help the most. When I got in the car, they reduced to 6-10 mins apart. I told Justin that the nurse told me during my first labor that if I could still smile, I wasn't in hard enough labor. Well, Justin and I joked and laughed all the way to the doctor's office and I was sure the doctor would tell me I was only 2 cm. He saw me right away and told me I was a good 7 cm and to go on to the hospital.
They put me on an IV and Justin went downstairs to check me in. The doctor wanted me on a very low dose of Pitocin b/c the baby was up high and he didn't want the cord to drop below the head. He wanted to hurry along the baby dropping. At this point, I was in question about whether or not to get an epidural b/c I made it to 7 cm with manageable pain. A few contractions later I was trying to rip Justin's arms out of his body, so at that point I decided to go for the epidural. Justin said his favorite part was when I took two fingers in one hand and two in the other and pulled in opposite directions, lol. I wasn't trying to hurt him but it was my way of dealing with the pain. When I got my epidural, they made Justin leave the room, which was a first. It didn't take long at all to do and I was trying to be as still as I could b/c the anesthesiologist said that if I moved toward him I'd get a spinal headache or away from him and I'd pass out... or something.. he was telling me during a contraction but I knew enough to be freaked out about it, lol.
After the epidural, I watched the contractions on the monitor and they were coming every minute or two and were off the charts so I was very glad not to be feeling anything. I think the catheter they inserted was impeding the baby's head from falling down. Once the nurse moved it, he came right down with her hand right there touching his head. He came down so fast that when he was born, his face was bruised and swollen.
As soon as he dropped, I turned 10 cm dilated. The doctor was already waiting... outside of the room b/c he said something about him makes babies not come, lol. So the nurse was having me push and we had to adjust the epidural b/c I couldn't feel anything. When the doctor came in, I was pushing and he said something to me and I said, "really?" Of course, realizing I stopped pushing. Everyone started laughing and the nurse made him go stand back in the hallway, lol.
Finally, I pushed enough and had the epidural turned down enough that I could feel the head and shoulders and let me say that was another reason I was glad to have the epidural b/c it was quite uncomfortable. The doctor said Zachary had really big shoulders. And he was a good sized baby too, being my biggest so far. Justin got to deliver him and put him on my chest. He sounded really congested as he cried, which worried me (he ended up spitting up brown fluid all night which worried me some more but the pediatrician said it was okay). They put him in the warmer and then my legs proceeded to get muscle spasms so Justin was rubbing them and holding them at a certain angle to make them stop. At that point, we don't have many pictures b/c he was busy holding my legs.

The nurse took this photo - Zachary's face is bruised from "dropping down" too quickly
Welcome home, little brother
He is also sleeping through the night. I don't want to jinx myself but he will go to bed around midnight, and get up at five-ish to nurse and go right back down for another two or three hours. He sleeps in his own bed too... amazing since my girl's had such sleeping problems. He also sleeps most of the day too. You can get quite a bit done with a sleeping baby.
Also, my recovery has been easy. I didn't feel like I had a baby at all except for I had a very tender back for a few days (I never got over my back injury, plus the epidural probably aggravated it). It's feeling better now. I would say I'm 100 percent now, but a bit tired. I did lose a lot of blood, and when they came in for more vials, I was convinced I wouldn't have any left by the time I went home, ha. The hospital stay was pretty good. There was always someone coming in for one reason or another so I couldn't get much sleep. When I was about to push, some lady came in to give us a newspaper, lol. In the middle of the night, they took my blood, checked my vitals, and then I called them a couple of times to help me to the bathroom. I wanted to get the IV out of my wrist.. it was really hurting. That was interesting b/c I started to pour blood everywhere from my wrist and we had to run to the sink. And then it stopped as fast as it started. Overall, everyone was helpful and friendly and was glad to be there while I was recouperating because I needed help.
I knew the story would end up being long which is why I procrastinated on writing it, lol.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Baby shower
38 week OB visit
Thursday, August 27, 2009
35 week appt.
Monday, August 10, 2009
33 weeks
We waited 2 hours this time to get in. They stuck my finger and checked my iron and glucose. Both were good. I asked the doctor if he thought this baby was big and he said he thought he was, not 10 pounds big but big. We talked about my starting work in the 8th month of pregnancy and he was telling me that my feet would really swell and to put them up when I got home. He mentioned I could get certain stockings to help and a belly cradle for my back and some other problems I'm having. Heartbeat was 152. The doctor chuckled b/c the baby was being wiggly again. He's a wiggly one for sure!
We hit a big thunderstorm leaving. The sky was filled with dark, ominous clouds. There were zig zag lightening bolts hitting everywhere and the rain was coming like bullets. I was glad to drive out of that storm!
Friday, June 12, 2009
25 weeks
I've been feeling pretty good in the mornings. I get tired easier. I don't bend over or down anymore. Don't ask me to get on the floor! lol My belly feels really big for just being 25 weeks. No new stretch marks yet though.
As far as cravings.. not so much. I like to eat more fruit than normal. I was craving chocolate cake last week. And I'm having heartburn at night. Two nights ago I was up until 2 a.m. with heartburn. It hurt in my back, chest, and throat and I tried to sleep sitting upright on the couch. Even that didn't work. Finally, after 4 Tums, a glass of milk, and time, it went away.
I'm debating cloth diapering or disposables. Cloth diapers are just so expensive! People say you save money by cloth, but I don't see how that is when you pay twenty dollars for one diaper. I can get 72 disposables for less than that.. plus, you have to buy new sizes in cloth diapers so that's at least three investments.
I've been considering the sleeping situation too. I can give him Ashlyn's crib and put her in a bed. Or I can keep her in the crib and put him in something else. I have the co-sleeper but it's pink. I wonder if there is a way to cover it and make it another color?
I will need clothes for him and diapers. There's a few odds and ends I will need also. I'd like to get a new boppy. We saved the bouncers, toys, etc... from Ashlyn though so we have all of that. Also, a friend gave me some of her son's clothes. Those are already washed and put away in drawers :)
My next OB appt. is June 22nd.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
OB appt. 22 weeks
OH and as far as my baby. Still a boy! We got several views of the boy parts. Everything looked great. Healthy. Heartbeat 151.