Welcome Zachary!
The birth story begins the day before where I had contractions that night and took off work. The contractions stopped but I slept most of the day. They began again that night when I was in the bath. Over the night, they were really hurting in my back. I would wake up for some of them and dream through others that I was in labor. I had some other symptoms and finally at 5, I got up and told Justin I was in labor and let's start our day. Of course he began to rush around and I told him that labor took time and there was no need to rush. We started cleaning and doing laundry and he went off to take Alyssa to school and Ashlyn to the daycare. We called his grandma to let her know to pick them up and then she was to stay here at my house to care for Ashlyn.
We called the doctor about 8:30 A.M. and he said to come in. He told me not to wait when I was in labor b/c I was already effaced and once dilation happened, the baby would come quickly. I still didn't want to leave too early though so I finished up the laundry and then we left. Walking through the contractions seemed to help the most. When I got in the car, they reduced to 6-10 mins apart. I told Justin that the nurse told me during my first labor that if I could still smile, I wasn't in hard enough labor. Well, Justin and I joked and laughed all the way to the doctor's office and I was sure the doctor would tell me I was only 2 cm. He saw me right away and told me I was a good 7 cm and to go on to the hospital.
They put me on an IV and Justin went downstairs to check me in. The doctor wanted me on a very low dose of Pitocin b/c the baby was up high and he didn't want the cord to drop below the head. He wanted to hurry along the baby dropping. At this point, I was in question about whether or not to get an epidural b/c I made it to 7 cm with manageable pain. A few contractions later I was trying to rip Justin's arms out of his body, so at that point I decided to go for the epidural. Justin said his favorite part was when I took two fingers in one hand and two in the other and pulled in opposite directions, lol. I wasn't trying to hurt him but it was my way of dealing with the pain. When I got my epidural, they made Justin leave the room, which was a first. It didn't take long at all to do and I was trying to be as still as I could b/c the anesthesiologist said that if I moved toward him I'd get a spinal headache or away from him and I'd pass out... or something.. he was telling me during a contraction but I knew enough to be freaked out about it, lol.
After the epidural, I watched the contractions on the monitor and they were coming every minute or two and were off the charts so I was very glad not to be feeling anything. I think the catheter they inserted was impeding the baby's head from falling down. Once the nurse moved it, he came right down with her hand right there touching his head. He came down so fast that when he was born, his face was bruised and swollen.
As soon as he dropped, I turned 10 cm dilated. The doctor was already waiting... outside of the room b/c he said something about him makes babies not come, lol. So the nurse was having me push and we had to adjust the epidural b/c I couldn't feel anything. When the doctor came in, I was pushing and he said something to me and I said, "really?" Of course, realizing I stopped pushing. Everyone started laughing and the nurse made him go stand back in the hallway, lol.
Finally, I pushed enough and had the epidural turned down enough that I could feel the head and shoulders and let me say that was another reason I was glad to have the epidural b/c it was quite uncomfortable. The doctor said Zachary had really big shoulders. And he was a good sized baby too, being my biggest so far. Justin got to deliver him and put him on my chest. He sounded really congested as he cried, which worried me (he ended up spitting up brown fluid all night which worried me some more but the pediatrician said it was okay). They put him in the warmer and then my legs proceeded to get muscle spasms so Justin was rubbing them and holding them at a certain angle to make them stop. At that point, we don't have many pictures b/c he was busy holding my legs.

The nurse took this photo - Zachary's face is bruised from "dropping down" too quickly
Zachary got 9.9 on his APGAR but his face was blue from bruising. By the next day, a lot of the swelling went down and he looked more red.
Welcome home, little brother
He is also sleeping through the night. I don't want to jinx myself but he will go to bed around midnight, and get up at five-ish to nurse and go right back down for another two or three hours. He sleeps in his own bed too... amazing since my girl's had such sleeping problems. He also sleeps most of the day too. You can get quite a bit done with a sleeping baby.
Also, my recovery has been easy. I didn't feel like I had a baby at all except for I had a very tender back for a few days (I never got over my back injury, plus the epidural probably aggravated it). It's feeling better now. I would say I'm 100 percent now, but a bit tired. I did lose a lot of blood, and when they came in for more vials, I was convinced I wouldn't have any left by the time I went home, ha. The hospital stay was pretty good. There was always someone coming in for one reason or another so I couldn't get much sleep. When I was about to push, some lady came in to give us a newspaper, lol. In the middle of the night, they took my blood, checked my vitals, and then I called them a couple of times to help me to the bathroom. I wanted to get the IV out of my wrist.. it was really hurting. That was interesting b/c I started to pour blood everywhere from my wrist and we had to run to the sink. And then it stopped as fast as it started. Overall, everyone was helpful and friendly and was glad to be there while I was recouperating because I needed help.
I knew the story would end up being long which is why I procrastinated on writing it, lol.
First let me say that you look wonderful, hon, and Zachary is a beautiful baby. Teddy said he looked like he was boxing in the one picture with the bruises on his face. A fighting story already. The story was long, but precious and very welcomed! There were a few chuckles here and there too!! The pictures with Ashlyn kissing your belly were priceless, and the one where she's kissing Zachary....AWWW!!! I love those pictures...I have one of Nicholas kissing Noah when he was born. Precious memories forever captured! Much love to you and your family. Congratulations to the girls for their baby brother and to Justin for having his baby boy!
ReplyDeleteHe is such a cutie!
ReplyDeleteI had leg cramps during one of my deliveries and just following this last baby's birth. It seemed so cruel to me to have those awful cramps on top of labor and afterbirth pains.
I'm a bit jealous that he is sleeping through the night. At one month, we are still not there and probably won't be for a few weeks yet.
I really enjoyed reading that Julia, thanks. I'm so excited & happy for all of you!!!!
ReplyDeleteKris S.
What a beautiful story, Julia. Welcome to the world, Zachary! I know it's already a better place because you're in it. Poor little man made quite the entrance too, didn't he? I feel bad for his boo-boo face. But he's still a cutie pie! Congrats to all of you!