Thursday, January 22, 2009

finding out

Finding out I was pregnant with this little guy. I was late for my period but felt PMSy. I thought maybe I was a little off because I had gotten sick with a stomach bug. I thought I was three or four days late but I was actually more, I think. This is where the story gets interesting for me, lol. It was January and dark at about 7. We went to Wal Mart for the pregnancy test. I bought a single Equate brand b/c I was sure it would be negative. Although, in my gut I felt I was. As we were leaving the store, I was having a little chat with God in my head about the timing, money, logisitcs of being pregnant. A thought came to my head that later I would see a shooting star and that would mean everything would work out fine. That it was all ok. I imagined going home and sitting on the porch and seeing a shooting star. One the way home, right in front of us, a FIREBALL streaked through the sky very slowly. God didn't just send a shooting star, he sent a fireball! It was that moment I was sure I was pregnant. I took the test that night and it was VOID, lol. I had to laugh b/c I felt here God told me I was pregnant but I needed that test to tell me and it was void. The next day I got a different brand and it was so immediately positive that I was confused at first. lol I ran into the kitchen waving the test yelling, "I'm pregnant!"