Thursday, August 27, 2009

35 week appt.

I weighed 157, my blood pressure is better than 90 percent of the population, lol.

The heartbeat was 135 and I had to get the group B strep test. It was a short visit.

I picked up two pairs of maternity pants and a top at a thrift store in town. The one pair of pants I got are so comfortable, I decided I just might wear them everyday! lol

Monday, August 10, 2009

33 weeks

Can he still fit in there for another 7 weeks??

We waited 2 hours this time to get in. They stuck my finger and checked my iron and glucose. Both were good. I asked the doctor if he thought this baby was big and he said he thought he was, not 10 pounds big but big. We talked about my starting work in the 8th month of pregnancy and he was telling me that my feet would really swell and to put them up when I got home. He mentioned I could get certain stockings to help and a belly cradle for my back and some other problems I'm having. Heartbeat was 152. The doctor chuckled b/c the baby was being wiggly again. He's a wiggly one for sure!

We hit a big thunderstorm leaving. The sky was filled with dark, ominous clouds. There were zig zag lightening bolts hitting everywhere and the rain was coming like bullets. I was glad to drive out of that storm!